Places To Stay
Places to Stay
Value, Comfort & Adventure
The 'Places To Stay' is now separated by towns. Click on the town to get recommendations for that area.
We find it easier to navigate when using actual town names. Many of the provinces/cantons crisscross each other and often times you don't realize which one you are in. Every place will be listed by town but the description will have the province so there is no confusion. This way we can add more recommendations in the future. It will include small towns or villages near to the larger towns listed. Click on the town to see what is recommended for that area.
These are all places that we have stayed and consider them the best of the best. We will continue to add recommendations and expand to different areas of Costa Rica as time goes on.
It's best to go directly to the website of any of our recommendations to make sure they still offer what you are looking for. Over time, what is offered at these locations will change so verify with the property before booking.
If you’re not sure which one to pick, have questions, need advice or would like to give us feedback please email us today. Click Below!
La Terraza Guest House - Grecia, Province de Alajuela
There is a great story behind La Terraza Guest House but that is for Charles to tell.
This is a wonderful place to stay in Grecia. The property is just magnificent as well as the amenities and hospitality, that are second to none. You would never know that you were staying remotely close to town with a river running through the property and beautiful views of the landscaped area.
Charles will help you with anything you need around the town. He has many contacts and most people will know you are staying at La Terraza before you even know that they know where you are staying...word travels fast is this community.
Charles is American but between him, his mother's years at La Terraza and the contacts he has with the local community he brings work, resources, and income to this area. If you are staying in Grecia or the surrounding area we highly recommend checking out La Terraza before making a choice.
Click below to go to La Terraza Guest House's website.