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Fun In The Sun



These are a list of our favorite beaches of Costa Rica that we have visited.

There are so many beaches on both the  Atlantic & Pacific of this small country that it's nearly impossible to single out each one.


These are simply our favorite beaches. Keep in mind that we prefer to avoid the crowds & other tourist so some of the most popular beaches might not make our list.


If you’re not sure which one to pick, have questions, need advice or would like to give us feedback please email us today. Click, "Get in Touch"

Playa Grande/Santa Cruz: About

Playa Grande


playa grande.jpg

Best Beach of Costa Rica

Sunbathers & Surfers ALike

Playa Grande is located just 40 miles from the Liberia airport. The beach is part of the Parque Nacional Marino Las Baulas (The Leatherback National Marine Park). This is named after the Leatherback Sea Turtle which nest on the beach during the night.
Playa Grande beach is very long crescent shape beach not far from the town of Tamarindo. The housel and bustle of Tamarindo is kept at bay from Playa Grande by an estuary at the southern end. Playa Grande remains quiet for it's size.
The small town named the same is set back from the beach so it makes for a slice of heaven.
The beach is also home to some of the best surfing in all of Costa Rica.

Playa Grande/Santa Cruz: Services
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